While fresh fruits and vegetables don't need to be processed, many local foods need to follow food safety guidelines. The West Central Mountains Food Coalition will be working to list local food processing resources, businesses, and regulations that apply to Valley and Adams Counties. Valley County is under the Central District Health Department, and Adams County is under the Southwest District Health Deparment.

Food Processing Regulations

Visit the Central District Health Department or the Southwest District Health Department for the latest information on food processing regulations. Visit www.foodsafety.idaho.gov for an overview at the state level.
Meat Processing Regulations
Cottage Foods FAQs

Commercial Kitchens

Commercial kitchens follow Department of Health regulations for processing many foods for resale. If you are the contact person for a commercial kitchen, please contact us to be listed below!

Meat Processing Facilities

Willey's Custom Meats - New Meadows
The Meat Shop - Donnelly