How can consumers access local foods? There are many ways! We have several farmers markets during the summer months. Request a community garden plot in Cascade, New Meadows, or McCall. Support restaurants committed to using local products. Seek out a CSA for produce throughout the summer. Contact farmers or butcher shops to find out about locally raised and processed meat. Become involved with the food bank in your community! Find the contact information below.

Farmers Markets

Alpha Nursery U-Pick
12 Alpha Lane
Cascade, Idaho 83611
Phone: 208-382-5742
Donnelly Farmer's Market Website
FW Gestrin Rd
Donnelly, Idaho 83615
Facebook Page
Wednesdays 3-6pm
Facebook Page
McCall Farmers Market
Downtown McCall on Second Street
McCall, ID 83638
Phone: 208-634-9777
Facebook Page
Saturdays & Wednesdays 10-1
New Meadows Community Farmers Market
101 Virginia Avenue (Dorsey Warr Memorial Park)
New Meadows, ID 83654
Saturdays 10-2pm
Council Mountain Farmers Market
Illinois Ave
Council, ID 83612
10-1pm 1st and 3rd Fridays

Community Gardens

Pride of the Pantry Community Garden
Fisher Pond Community Garden
McCall Community Garden
Meadows Valley Community Garden

Food Banks

Heartland Hunger and Resource Center
556 Deinhard Ln, PO Box 1929 McCall, Idaho 83638
(208) 634-3037
Wednesdays 4-6pm

Cascade Food Pantry
1470 Main St, Cascade, ID 83611
(208) 630-4760 or (719) 649-2249 for drop-offs
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 4-6pm

New Meadows Food Bank
201 N Heigho, New Meadows, ID 83654
(208) 347-2427 or (208) 347-4944
3rd Saturday of the month

The Grainery: Donnelly Bible Church Food Bank
Donnelly Firestation, 135 Front St, Donnelly, ID 83615
(208) 325-8301, Donations coord: 408-891-1441
Thursdays 4-6pm

Local Farms & Gardens

View our Producers page and filter by product. Looking for fresh cheese? Sort by dairy to find some nearby. Many small producers can be contacted directly for local orders. Find their information on their website or facebook.

To keep local farm information current, we encourage producers to update their information on the USDA site. The On-Farm USDA directory lists producers who sell agricultural and/or horticultural products directly to consumers from a location on their farm property or on property adjacent to that farm. You can easily search your area to find local producers, and if you know of a producer that is not listed, encourage them to input their information right away!

Community Supported Agriculture

To keep local Community Supported Agriculture information current, we encourage CSA producers to update their information on the USDA's CSA Directory.

Restaurants & Resellers

WCM Badge The West Central Mountains Food Coalition is currently seeking partners who are committed to buying at least 10% of their food from local producers. We feature local businesses and their stories on our website so consumers can show their support! In 2021, one of the WCMFC goals is to work with local businesses to strengthen ties to area producers and provide those businesses with a badge they can proudly display.