Education Programs in the West Central Mountains

There are many ways in which you can learn in the West Central Mountains. You can connect with community classes, garden clubs, or the WCM Economic Development Council business development programs. Agriculture and horticulture programs are offered through the University of Idaho Extension on a regular basis.

University of Idaho Extension, Valley County education programs:

Master Gardener Program

The Master Gardener program is a national network of trained volunteer gardeners. In Valley County, the class requires 30 hours of training and 30 hours of volunteer service. It is offered every other year. You can learn more at the UI Extension, Valley County webpage.
Download the Master Gardeners Handbook for free at:

Victory Garden Series and other Extension online classes!

Did you know that there are hundreds of free or low cost education classes online through the National Extension System? Create an account today and start learning!

Cultivating Success – Starting your Sustainable Small Farm

The vision of the Cultivating Success™ program is to increase producer and consumer understanding, value, and support of sustainable local farming systems in Idaho through educational and experiential opportunities. Partners in this program strive to create strong communities with infrastructures that provide the resources and skills needed to produce local and sustainable food and agricultural products for the residents of the Inland Northwest. Visit the website at

If you would like to become a community partner of the WCM Food Coalition, please contact us or reach out to the Facebook site. Since this organization is completely run off of volunteer efforts, please be patient with the response rate.

Community partners include all farmers, ranchers, businesses, and organizations in the WCM interested in growing the local food system and economy.